A Monster Outside of Human Laws

February 2021

A year ago I found myself at a difficult crossroad when my UK visa was due to expire. I had to choose between migrating economically and seeking asylum. Each route would ultimately determine the possession of extremely different rights. In this film I unpack the disparity in rights we possess and acquire through immigration and how this is ultimately tied to capital.

I reflect on how my situation reveals contradictions in the narratives that surround the European Migration Crisis. A Monster Outside of Human Laws draws from the works of Hannah Arendt as a stateless person who contemplates on the bigger picture of personal events after gaining status.
I consider this film as part of the documentation of my gender transition. Migration is necessary in my case as I need to access healthcare and civil rights in order to transition safely.

A Monster Outside of Human Laws was commissioned by Don’t Google It Projects for their inaugural series.

A Tour of the Emigration Map of the World
What’s up with Article 8?

London Migration Film Festival